Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Countdown to Feb 10th, 2013

Ok Boys, it's countdown time.  Keep your eyes on the counter and you better be preparing your body, soul, mind, and gonads for the rush of the likes of "Arctic Enema" - just one of the many joys of our sweet event!  How many times a week are we running, lifting, and dunking in ice water to prepare? NEW MEMBERS REGISTER HERE! JOIN THE FUN


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Let's do this thing! Viva Luchador 2013 So Cal Feb 10th Baby! Waiting for all the slackers to register. By God's grace we are going to attempt to qualify for World's Toughest Mudder - that means no lame costumes or shenanigans (well, maybe shenanigans). Basically it's go time. . .